Aim and Objective of CRS

The aim of this academic centre is to address disturbances of different types at different scales in river systems. The academic activities of the Centre will focus on identifying ways to efficiently manage availability of the River for human uses while also identifying linkages between the River’s flow and quality and native aquatic and riparian eco- systems.

The objective of the program is to provide information support, public wide debate, and an opportunity to allow the people to consider the possible consequences of interventions on the health of the rivers and enhance the potential for cooperation in the management of the vital economic and ecological services the river provides through teaching and research.

“बड सुख सार पाओल तुअ तीरे .छोड़इत निकट नयन बह नीरे . कर जोरि बिनमओ विमल तरंगे . पुन दरसन होए पुनमति गंगे .एक अपराध छेमव मोर जानी .परसल माय पाय तुअ पानी . कि करब जप तप जोग धेआने जनम कृतारथ एकहि सनाने .भनइ विद्यापति समदओं तोंही .अंत काल जनु बिसरह मोही .”